Monday, November 9, 2009

perfect days in paradise...

well, the season is off to a spectacularly sluggish start: yes there are customers and quite a few, and all of them give credence to the saying it's not quantity but quality. quality they are not.. they are on the whole dispicable and then some....
fat and blond and cheap are predominant: yesterday a sizable specimen rolled in after dark: ooh i have not eaten all day. and she ordered a lot and drank some and then she said can you change 50 dollars, and of course i was not able to, this being one of those interminable holidays of two weeks or there abouts- banks closed an all that.... oh i will pay you tomorrow- she said and bored me for another hour and the next day when i did need the money to buy cooking gas she was nowhere to be seen and when finally she came she said she was sick implying my food-( turned out she drank iced coffee in snuol of all places; i did not eat there she said, and you had coffee with that ice there in it i said??? wow that is stupid!!! i thought and she heard the end she coughed up all twelve dollars that she owed me and will come back for more food(?)tomorrow)-to eat- i perceive that as a threat!).
but then yet it was it is one of those days today:
as by now we are truly poor bong sereri has taken to selling the fruit of our trees; and we make quite a bit of money from our bananas, milk fruit, guavas and so on. the bananas are quite a lot and ripe and have to go: so do the coconuts, but that is another` story all together..
the bananas: banana is the biggest grass in the world- also the heaviest as it turns out; the bananas- the fruit grow and grow, the plant: the so called grass lists and lists as the fruit grow, and those things get quite dangerous and one has to cut them down... the fruit by now getting to twenty kilos or more.. so we cut them and down they come shaking the earth and having bong serrei and me running for our lives more often than not...( the other day i tried this alone and the plant fell on me and i got stuck and it took me forever to dig my way out from down yonder, and a few bruises, now how ridiculous can it get bruised by bananas, try to live that one down....).
why are we doing this to ourselves bong serrrei and me wondered let the sellers get the fruit off the plants and we get a dollar less. then so be it we said ( as in depression without champangne is not worth it is as my friend fay would put it so nicely) so now the sellers/buyers come to the land and have to cut the fruit themselves.. so do come their dog; and the bullies killed it.. the dog, not the seller quite.. yet... : the dogs were trying to bite us...( ensuing discussion: you owe for dead dog. no dog bit us. and anyways- says bong serrei :you eat dog you want money i get dog i eat myself..) the buyers bought that one .. pouff!! lucky break that one ...we did not have to pay for the dead mutt).
meanwhile: big crashing sound in the bar, glass`works a lot- breaking: damn rats i think and run into the restaurant: no rat, although most of the last remaining wine gasses are broken: stuck on the wall- mortified: caruso the ghekko: sorry he mumbles; there was this juicy spider and i.. i.. just ran into those weird things- , i did not even see them..and the spider behind...' 'getta move on, caruso' i say, and chase him off and remove the shards or our last vestige of civilisation...


  1. Wow!!!! Life seems to never have a dull moment over there!!!!

  2. Hello, Tanja. I enjoy reading your posts. We miss you at the Bulletin Board.

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!
